- Demand- the quantity's that people are willing and able to buy at various prices.
- The law of demand- there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.
- Change in number of buyers ( population)
- Change in buyers taste ( preferences, advertisements)
- Change in income
- Inferior goods- increase in income that causes a fall in demand.
4. Change in price of related goods
- substitute good
- complementary good
5. Change in expectation (future)
- Supply- the quantities that producers or sellers are willing and able to produce and sell at various prices.
- The law of supply- there is a direct relationship between price and quantity supply.
(Heres a link elaborating on the determinants of supply and demand)
- Change in technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtypT1Ql2RY
- Change in cost of production
- Change in weather
- Change in number of sellers
- Change taxes, subsides
- Change in expectations (future)
Calculating Quantity and Price
- Quantity = new quantity- old quantity/ old quantity
- Price = new price- old price/ old price
- Total revenue= price•quantity
Calculating Supply
- New TC-Old TC= MC
Excess Demand and Excess Supply
- Equilibrium- Point at which the supply curve and demand curve intersect
- Excess demand- occurs when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied (results in a shortage)
- Shortage- when consumers can't get enough of the quantity they desire .
- Price ceiling- this creates a shortage, it occurs when the government puts a legal limit on how high the price of a product can be. Ex: the government putting a price ceiling on flu shots
- Excess supply - when the quantity supply is greater than the quantity demanded creates a surplus.
- Price floor- lowest legal price a commodity can be sold at, this is usually used by the government in order to prevent prices from becoming to low . Ex: Minimum wage

I love how detailed your blog is, there are many visual representations that also help understand the concept of what we are learning better as well.