Thursday, March 9, 2017

Unit 3: Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy 
  • Fiscal Policy
- Actions by congress to stabilize the economy.
- 2 Tools to Fiscal Policy 
  1. Taxes- Government can increase or decrease taxes
  2. - Spending- Government can increase or decrease spending 
- Fiscal policy is used to promote our nations economic goals: full employment, price stability, and economic growth .
  • Deficit, Surpluses, and Debt
*Balanced Budget
- Revenues ( bring in)= Expenditures (spend)
*Budget Deficit
- Revenues < expenditures
*Budget Surplus
- Revenues> expenditures 
*Government Debt
- Sum of all deficits- sum of all surpluses 

- The government can borrow money when it runs a budget deficit, They can borrow from...
- Individuals
-Financial institutions
-Foreign entities 
  •  Options of fiscal Policy 
  1. Discretionary fiscal policy (action by congress)
  2. Expansionary fiscal policy (think deficit)
  3. Contractionary fiscal policy ( think surplus)
  4. Non-discretionary fiscal policy (no action)
  • 3 Types of Taxes 
- Progressive Tax- Takes a larger % of income from high income groups
- Proportional Tax- Takes the % of income from all income groups 
- Regressive Taxes- Takes a larger % from low income groups ( takes more from poor people)
  • Contractionary Fiscal Policy
- laws that reduce inflammation, decrease GDP and close the inflationary gap 
-  they can either decrease government spending or increase taxes or a combination of the two 
  •  Expansionary fiscal policy 
- laws that reduce unemployment and increase GDP and close a recessionary gap 
- they can either increased government spending or decrease taxes are consumers or a combination of the two 
  •  Automatic or built in stabilizers 
- anything that increases the government budget deficits during a recession and increase its budget surplus during installation without requiring explicit action by policymakers 
  •  Transfer payments 
- welfare checks 
- food stamps 
- unemployment checks 
- corporate dividens
-  social Security 
- veterans benefits 

1 comment:

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